Big Bam Boom—We won a Swiss Design Award in the category of mediation!

The multidisciplinary jury who reviewed our work was impressed by the broad range of formats and offerings, including workshops, lectures, fellowships, and of course, our beloved texts. In their words: “Futuress contributes to expanding design discourse at national and international level at a critical moment in the history of the discipline.” The award is one of the oldest and most prestigious prizes in Switzerland, and comes with a hefty check of CHF 25,000, which will go a long way towards further developing our platform! We are beyond humbled by this recognition and re-energized to keep improving. Thanks a billion to everyone who helped us reach this goal, especially Romi Lee, Tereza Bettinardi, Mayar El-Bakry, Eva Böhlen, Cherry-Ann Davis, Noemi Parisi, Heba Daghistani, Sherine Salla, and so many others who continuously support our work. Watch the short video produced specially for the occasion on our Vimeo account!