This open conversation format aims at examining our own school education and discussing experiences as educators to ask: how can we make space for critical thinking?
A crucial part of our upbringing is shaped in school—a system that tells us how to learn, and what we should learn. School makes us believe in “objective” truths, while a critical look at its contents and structures shows how deeply in need of reformation and unlearning our educational system may be. History books still exclude marginalized perspectives, and hide colonial pasts—and presents. Biology courses and Physical Education classes are still far away from breaking gender binaries. Technology and Natural Science are still praised as “neutral,” and are seen as problem-solvers.
In “Let’s Talk About School,” we will discuss our own school education and experiences as educators and ask: how can we make space for critical thinking and bring in decolonial and intersectional perspectives that sensitize us to discriminatory structures? What challenges did we ourselves face with institutional structures? What new methods of teaching do we need to create? And how can we support schoolchildren in contributing their own interests and questions?
“Let’s Talk” is an open format to exchange working methods, research topics, and issues concerned with working in the field of arts and design, culture, and education. It is meant to connect across disciplines, support one another in professional struggles, and learn from each other’s questions, doubts, concerns, and victories. The format is curated by Mio Kojima.
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