
We publish a wide range of stories on a weekly basis, including articles and essays produced by fellowship participants, transcripted lectures, and original pieces by the Futuress team, often in collaboration with partner organizations.


We offer a lively monthly program of online workshops, lectures, panel discussions, and networking events around the politics of design.


Our authors and lecturers come from a globally-dispersed community of mostly womxn and non-binary designers, writers, journalists, editors, researchers, educators, artists, activists, and beyond.


Depatriarchise design and Futuress speaking at the Design Academy Eindhoven!

In a public lecture at the Design Academy Eindhoven, Maya Ober and Anja Neidhardt from depatriarchise design, together with Madeleine Morley and Nina Paim from Futuress, shared a few insights from their recent joint article Diversity Issues. The text, published Dec 4, 2020, details experiences of abuse and discrimination within

Depatriarchise design and Futuress speaking at the Design Academy Eindhoven!

In a public lecture at the Design Academy Eindhoven, Maya Ober and Anja Neidhardt from depatriarchise design, together with Madeleine Morley and Nina Paim from Futuress, shared a few insights from their recent joint article Diversity Issues. The text, published Dec 4, 2020, details experiences of abuse and discrimination within Swiss art and design education including instances of racism, sexism, ableism, and more. The lecture revealed the research methodology behind the article, contextualized the issue historically, and presented several initiatives that have been striving to bring these issues to a wider public and spark a transformation of art and design education. If you missed it, don’t worry: the lecture recording can be watched on the Design Academy Eindhoven’s Youtube channel.