Unwired Currents—Imagining Technologies Otherwise
An online fellowship and public program expanding the notion of technology beyond colonial, modernist, and solutionist views!

Unwired Currents—a new collaboration redefining technologies
Together with the think & do tank Dezentrum, we received funding from the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia to collaborate with design researcher and long-time Futuress contributing editor Franca López

When a Stone Says No
Following willful stones and the creative potential of refusal against cultural colonialism.

Our team has a new member! Welcome, Franca López Barbera!
Our Futuress team has gone through some c-c-c-c-changes yet again! Sadly, our
beloved powerhouse Cherry-Ann Davis [https://futuress.org/author/cherry/] has
left Futuress to focus on her own research.

#Epistemic Activism
When a Tree Says No
Following histories of deforestation, dispossession, epistemic violence, and resistance.

#Against the Grain
Deforestation as Epistemicide
April 23, 2021 | 5 pm CEST | with Franca López Barbera, designer,
researcher and curator

Against the Grain
An online fellowship and lecture series critically examining the designed past and democratizing access to design history writing.