
We publish a wide range of stories on a weekly basis, including articles and essays produced by fellowship participants, transcripted lectures, and original pieces by the Futuress team, often in collaboration with partner organizations.


We offer a lively monthly program of online workshops, lectures, panel discussions, and networking events around the politics of design.


Our authors and lecturers come from a globally-dispersed community of mostly womxn and non-binary designers, writers, journalists, editors, researchers, educators, artists, activists, and beyond.

Feminist Findings at A-Z Berlin: Presenting the L.i.P Collective in our very first show!

Feminist Findings showcases the joint research of the L.i.P. Collective—the very first Futuress fellowship, which ran from April–June 2020. Spread over four continents and many time zones, 23 women and non-binary people connected through the beams of their computer screens to dig through digital archives, searching

Feminist Findings at A-Z Berlin: Presenting the L.i.P Collective in our very first show!

Feminist Findings showcases the joint research of the L.i.P. Collective—the very first Futuress fellowship, which ran from April–June 2020. Spread over four continents and many time zones, 23 women and non-binary people connected through the beams of their computer screens to dig through digital archives, searching for the missing histories of feminist journals, magazines, zines, newspapers, and newsletters. A wunderkammer brimming with photographs, artefacts, logos, magazines, quotes, excerpts, resources, pages, footnotes, and digressions, Feminist Findings is a messy, knotted web manifesting its own collective research process. Visitors can discover the struggles and victories of a 1980s San Francisco newsletter for Asian/Pacific lesbians, solve the mystery of an underground tea-room in Paris, hear from the co-founder of India’s first feminist press, and learn how writing a feminist history of Swiss graphic design might start by calling up a neighbor, and much more. The show is curated by Eliot Gisel, Madeleine Morley, and Nina Paim for Futuress, and runs from July 30 to September 24, 2020 at A—Z Berlin.