Our colorful Feminist Findings zine by the L.i.P. Collective has been touring the globe and speaking new languages! It was recently on display at the “Hard Copy Soft Touch” exhibition in Milan, Italy! Each of the involved realities in the exhibition has a peculiar approach to the subject of the archive and how it feeds and evolves depending on the collaborations, contributions, and methods of access and interaction with the public between offline/online dimensions. On display with Futuress were Archivo de la Memoria Trans from Aregntina, Centro di Documentazione Aldo Miel from Carrarai, Compulsive Archive from Milano, Queer Reads Library from Hong Kong, and Queer.Archive.Work. from Providence, and many more.The exhibition was part of the independent publishers and art book salon SPRINT21 at Spazio Maiocchi and ran from November 26-28, 2021.