We’re changing the way we structure our learning programs! In addition to the lecture series accompanying our fellowship program and curated under one topic, we will now offer various new formats, each focusing on a different topic within our main course: design politics. From March 2022 onwards, we will take deep-dives into various topics in our Futuress Keynotes, open the space for discussion on urgent issues in our Roundtables, and spark conversation on design teaching in our “Educators in Correspondence” format. Dedicated to opening design education to a broad audience, all events will be free of charge and published in the form of recordings and transcripts on our Futuress website! Save the date for our upcoming events: a Futuress Keynote by designer and researcher Lesley-Ann Noel, a Designers in Correspondence discussion with Tanveer Ahmed and Lauren Williams, and a Futuress Keynote by artist and designer Luiza Prado!
Our new public program: Announcing upcoming lectures and panels!
We’re changing the way we structure our learning programs! In addition to the lecture series accompanying our fellowship program and curated under one topic, we will now offer various new formats, each focusing on a different topic within our main course: design politics. From March 2022 onwards, we will
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As a queer intersectional feminist platform, Futuress strives to be a home for the people, histories, and perspectives that have been—and still often remain—underrepresented, oppressed, and ignored.