
We publish a wide range of stories on a weekly basis, including articles and essays produced by fellowship participants, transcripted lectures, and original pieces by the Futuress team, often in collaboration with partner organizations.


We offer a lively monthly program of online workshops, lectures, panel discussions, and networking events around the politics of design.


Our authors and lecturers come from a globally-dispersed community of mostly womxn and non-binary designers, writers, journalists, editors, researchers, educators, artists, activists, and beyond.


“The Void” by Maya Ober republished in The Funambulist!

The Void by Maya Ober has been republished by The Funambulist in their 40th issue! The Funambulist engages with the politics of space and bodies. Through articles, interviews, artworks, design projects, a podcast, and the bi-monthly magazine, the platform assembles an ongoing archive for anti-colonial, anti-racist, queer, and feminist struggles.

“The Void” by Maya Ober republished in The Funambulist!

The Void by Maya Ober has been republished by The Funambulist in their 40th issue! The Funambulist engages with the politics of space and bodies. Through articles, interviews, artworks, design projects, a podcast, and the bi-monthly magazine, the platform assembles an ongoing archive for anti-colonial, anti-racist, queer, and feminist struggles. The March issue “From Settler Colonial Property to Landback” deals with land as the primary object of the decolonizing struggle. From Australia, British Columbia, Palestine, Kenya, Ecuador, Alaska, the Caribbean, Turtle Island, Sudan, and Pakistan, the issue looks at settler colonial land dispossession and political strategies to reassert Indigenous sovereignties. In “The Void,” Maya Ober explores the void of feminist Yiddish publications in Polish archives, reflecting on the frictions between feminist values and Zionism as a colonialist and racist ideology.