Noemi Parisi
Noemi Parisi is a Swiss-Italian designer and researcher based in Basel. Her practice explores topics of language, public space and discourse, archiving, and Swiss history from a feminist perspective.

A small Futuress satellite in Winterthur
For a few hours on November 26, 2022, Futuress unfolded in a real space! Yes, a
physical space! Futuress co-director Nina Paim and long-standing Futuress ally
Noemi Parisi hosted a

“The power of Identity”—Mio and Mujgan speaking at the Weltformat Festival, Luzern!
Futuress was invited to speak at the 2021 Weltformat Graphic Design Festival
in Luzern! Under

#Feminist Findings
Finding Serendipity
Starting a feminist history of Swiss graphic design by calling up a neighbor.