#Feminist Curricula
Navigating the Culture of Critique
Why Indian design education needs a plural understanding of decolonization.
#Feminist Curricula
أحْرُف وكَلِمَاتْ وقِصَصْ A Multi-Script Type Design Program
Imagining a playground for collective archiving, researching and letter-making.
#Epistemic Activism
How Far We’ve Cum: Sweden’s “Sex Ed” Through Time
Historically, the same pitfall: society changes fast, and schools cannot bear the full responsibility for sex education alone. What next?
#Epistemic Activism
Judging by the Cover: Racial Bias in Design Publishing
Design books are overwhelmingly cis, male, and white. Designers: I dare you to face your bookshelf and check who is—and who isn’t—there.
#Incomplete Compendia
A Resource Hub for Decolonizing Typography
Texts, lectures and other materials that help disrupt the Eurocentric status quo in type design education and practice.
Get involved: support FUTURESS today
#Living Archives
Flat-Packed History
Disassembling simplified narratives and recovering anti-imperialist histories in Northern Ireland.