Feminist Curricula

#Feminist Curricula
Navigating the Culture of Critique
Why Indian design education needs a plural understanding of decolonization.

#Feminist Curricula
أحْرُف وكَلِمَاتْ وقِصَصْ A Multi-Script Type Design Program
Imagining a playground for collective archiving, researching and letter-making.

#Feminist Curricula
Institutional Frictions
Reflecting on the possibilities and challenges of bringing activism into the design classroom

#Feminist Curricula
A Critical Statement
Why I became a product designer who does not want to design products.

#Feminist Curricula
“Teach What You Need to Learn”
A conversation about the Swedish Master program critically addressing visual standards and promoting “norm creativity.”
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#Feminist Curricula
The Last Shift
Field notes from La Entrega Final, or how feminist activism plays itself in the Chair of Design and Gender Studies at FADU, Buenos Aires.

#Feminist Curricula
Learning from the Vernacular
A conversation with Clara Balaguer on the copyother, ethical piracy, and trolling graphic design.

#Feminist Curricula
A Fashion Degree in Humanswear?
Students and educators doing fashion beyond binaries and norms.
Get involved: support FUTURESS today

#Feminist Curricula
Disrupting Design with Capital “D”
Designer and educator Ramon Tejada on embracing your own voice, asking uncomfortable questions and making spaces in design education.

#Feminist Curricula
Histories Neglected by History
The textbook closing the gap on the history of Arab graphic design.