#Feminist Curricula
Navigating the Culture of Critique
Why Indian design education needs a plural understanding of decolonization.
#Designing Resistance
On Caste: The Roots of Discrimination in Indian Design
What using a debrahaminizing lens tells us about power relations and discrimination in the Indian design practice and education.
#Incomplete Compendia
A Resource Hub for Decolonizing Typography
Texts, lectures and other materials that help disrupt the Eurocentric status quo in type design education and practice.
#Objects of Interest
Hey Woman, Are You a Roti? Patriarchy and Indian Flatbread
What the making and unmaking of one of India’s most celebrated foods tell us about traditional female roles, unpaid labor, and revolution
A Water Story
Tracing the ebbs and flows of India’s shifting aquatic ecosystems
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#Living Archives
A Race Against Time
How the digital gallery Swatch Bharat is documenting the rapidly disappearing native Indian aesthetic.
Un-sustaining Sustainability?
Tracing the colonial origins of India’s rising “sustainable” fashion industry
#Feminist Findings
“Every Book We Do is Special”
Urvashi Butalia on co-founding India’s first feminist press.
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