#Design Educators* Unite!
Navigating the Past, Envisioning the Future: Unearthing Feminist and Decolonial Threads in Design Education
Feb 22, 2024 | 6 pm CET | online | free | with Cherrypye, Clara Meliande & Josefina Vidal

#Futuress Keynote
The Promise of Shifting Paradigms
Mar 15, 2023 | 6 pm CET | online | with Cherrypye

“Does Design Care” by Cherry-Ann Davis and Nina Paim in A Line Which Forms A Volume #5!
A Line Which Forms A Volume #5 explores how the act of leaning on, with, and
into a research topic can be regarded as a form of care for the

#Vulnerable Observers
Imaginations of Care
Curator Keyna Eleison making a case for expanding knowledges.

#Complaint Collective
Does Design Care?
Is “care” just lip service to a new buzzword in design discourse?

#Politics of Display
Culture, No Context
Face to face with the ethics of European Ethnographic Museums.

We have sprouted a new team: Welcome, Cherry-Ann Davis, Maya Ober, Mio Kojima, and Sacha Fortuné!
At the beginning of 2021, our co-founding editors Eliot Gisel
[http://corinnegisel.com/] and Madeleine Morley
[https://madeleinemorley.cargo.site/] left Futuress to work on new
initiatives—we thank them