Heba Daghistani
Heba Daghistani is half Circassian/half Daghstani born in Syria and raised in the UAE. Her practice focuses on questioning social stigmas through research, design and storytelling.

The Futuress team grows temporarily: Welcome Heba Daghstani!
We are thrilled to announce that long-term Futuress community member Heba Daghistani will support us from January to July 2026! After participating in Futuress’ second fellowship, the Troublemakers’ Class of

#Living Archives
Circling the Circassian Identity
Chronicles of nationless-ness, scattered souls, and fragmented selves.

“The power of Identity”—Mio and Mujgan speaking at the Weltformat Festival, Luzern!
Futuress was invited to speak at the 2021 Weltformat Graphic Design Festival
in Luzern! Under

#Designing Resistance
The Labyrinth to the Pomegranate Tree
At the Root of Conformity, Adaptation, and the Cyclical Nature of Change.