For Us, With Us, By U—a collaboration centering stories from the SWANA region!
How can Southwest Asian and North African (SWANA) designers, educators, and
researchers imagine transnational identities beyond Western worldviews? This is
one of the core questions driving For Us, With Us,

“South is Up” by Sherine Salla in the Sign Design Society’s Newsletter!
How do maps represent the world? What ontologies lie behind the seemingly
objective design of world maps, and how can the world be imagined otherwise?
These are some of many

“The power of Identity”—Mio and Mujgan speaking at the Weltformat Festival, Luzern!
Futuress was invited to speak at the 2021 Weltformat Graphic Design Festival
in Luzern! Under

#Politics of Display
South is Up
On subjective worlds, alternative Earths, and map projections.