Black History

We Belong to the Land
Insights from a quilombola thinker on Brazil’s state-sanctioned violence and the power of oral traditions.

#Vulnerable Observers
Parda: Of Roots, Curls and Race
A Brazilian’s entangled journey to Black awareness in a whitewashed world.

#Epistemic Activism
Judging by the Cover: Racial Bias in Design Publishing
Design books are overwhelmingly cis, male, and white. Designers: I dare you to face your bookshelf and check who is—and who isn’t—there.

#Living Archives
Chasing Images
In search of the Black aesthetic and my own identity via Louise E. Jefferson.

#Politics of Display
Preserve, Revise, Remove, Radicalize
Monuments and memorials in the United States of America after 2020.
Get involved: support FUTURESS today

#Designing Resistance
Designing with/against Cherophobia
In search of haps, untrodden paths, and wayward futurities.

#Politics of Display
Culture, No Context
Face to face with the ethics of European Ethnographic Museums.

#Objects of Interest
On Isolation, Heirlooms and Solidarity
How the Sankara Rug became a comfort away from home.
Get involved: support FUTURESS today

#Objects of Interest
An Accidental Game of Telephone
How a group of women designed the Black Panther logo.