Epistemic Activism

#Epistemic Activism
Kusvikirwa: A Decolonial Spirit
Reconnecting with the past through ancestral practices in Zimbabwe.

#Feminist Curricula
Navigating the Culture of Critique
Why Indian design education needs a plural understanding of decolonization.

#Epistemic Activism
Who Gets to Design Arabic Typography?
A pledge for politicizing Arabic type design, overturning exclusionary notions of ‘quality,’ and challenging classist gatekeeping to the profession.

#Epistemic Activism
A Canon Misbound: Feminist Lessons in Print
The lack of written accounts about Norwegian graphic design is a chance to question norms and explore non-traditional historiographic methods.

#Epistemic Activism
How Far We’ve Cum: Sweden’s “Sex Ed” Through Time
Historically, the same pitfall: society changes fast, and schools cannot bear the full responsibility for sex education alone. What next?
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#Epistemic Activism
“What the Cl*t?” A Designer’s Take on the Orgasm Gap
People with clitorises don’t orgasm nearly as much as people with penises. Could illustrations help us to become more cliterate?

#Epistemic Activism
Judging by the Cover: Racial Bias in Design Publishing
Design books are overwhelmingly cis, male, and white. Designers: I dare you to face your bookshelf and check who is—and who isn’t—there.

#Epistemic Activism
“The War Is inside Us”
How can we even begin to understand the conflict in Ukraine?
Get involved: support FUTURESS today

#Epistemic Activism
A Rejection of the Term “Vernacular”
An analysis of the colonizing word coined for the sake of othering design languages that dare to challenge Eurocentric norms.

#Epistemic Activism
Once an Assistant, Always an Assistant
How AI representation is stuck in the gendered past.

#Epistemic Activism
The pretensive premise of progressive views, and the false activism in the fashion industry.

#Epistemic Activism
When a Tree Says No
Following histories of deforestation, dispossession, epistemic violence, and resistance.

#Epistemic Activism
No Time to Lose
Remembering trans and travestis lives and politics in Brazil. An incomplete timeline of an ongoing struggle.