As a queer intersectional feminist platform, Futuress strives to be a home for the people, histories, and perspectives that have been—and still often remain—underrepresented, oppressed, and ignored.
We publish a wide range of stories on a weekly basis, including articles and essays produced by fellowship participants, transcripted lectures, and original pieces by the Futuress team, often in collaboration with partner organizations.
Check our article library!
Latest stories

#Incomplete Compendia
A Resource Hub for Decolonizing Typography
Texts, lectures and other materials that help disrupt the Eurocentric status quo in type design education and practice.

#Objects of Interest
A Passive Mob: How Video Games Silence Dissent
Often game design enacts protest as something negative or apolitical. How could it instead ignite criticality and political agency?

#Objects of Interest
Hey Woman, Are You a Roti? Patriarchy and Indian Flatbread
What the making and unmaking of one of India’s most celebrated foods tell us about traditional female roles, unpaid labor, and revolution

#Living Archives
Embargoed Memories
Reckoning with the Portuguese violent colonial past through fragments of my family’s heirloom.

#Designing Resistance
“Anger is my Motto”
Tereza Bettinardi on design publishing, open education, and the micro-politics of daily practice.
Get involved: support FUTURESS today

#Living Archives
Circling the Circassian Identity
Chronicles of nationless-ness, scattered souls, and fragmented selves.

#Designing Resistance
My Grandma is Not a Cyborg
On the oppression of everyday objects, and hacking the design gap.

A Water Story
Tracing the ebbs and flows of India’s shifting aquatic ecosystems
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#Designing Resistance
One NO Leads To a Thousand More
Tear gas and transnational solidarity: a letter to Asma, the defiant customs worker at the Port of Suez.

Becoming Savage
A Guarani Mbya leader on environmental activism, food autonomy, and why we should all challenge the concept of “civilization.”

#Feminist Curricula
Institutional Frictions
Reflecting on the possibilities and challenges of bringing activism into the design classroom

When a Stone Says No
Following willful stones and the creative potential of refusal against cultural colonialism.

#Living Archives
(Re)claiming Archives: استعادة الأرشيف
A palace of memories for collective imagination
قصر للذاكرة الجماعية والأحلام العامة لتتذكرها وتتخيلها
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As a queer intersectional feminist platform, Futuress strives to be a home for the people, histories, and perspectives that have been—and still often remain—underrepresented, oppressed, and ignored.

#Epistemic Activism
“The War Is inside Us”
How can we even begin to understand the conflict in Ukraine?

#Living Archives
Flat-Packed History
Disassembling simplified narratives and recovering anti-imperialist histories in Northern Ireland.

#Living Archives
A Race Against Time
How the digital gallery Swatch Bharat is documenting the rapidly disappearing native Indian aesthetic.

#Living Archives
“Please Say More”
Bec Wonders on the Vancouver Women’s Library, the legacy of feminist archives, and the complex history of female conflict.
Get involved: support FUTURESS today

#Designing Resistance
A Designerly Inventory
Provocations to elicit questions, prompt critical thinking and help designers reconfigure their discipline.

#Feminist Curricula
A Critical Statement
Why I became a product designer who does not want to design products.

#Living Archives
Named After Men
Colonial exploitation and egocentric bragging at the roots of the botanical sciences.

#Politics of Display
Yemanjá, the Whitewashed Orisha
Unpacking Brazilian diasporic memories and aspects of structural racism through an iconographic analysis.
Feminism. Design. Politics. Where these three intersect, you will find Futuress.

#Feminist Curricula
“Teach What You Need to Learn”
A conversation about the Swedish Master program critically addressing visual standards and promoting “norm creativity.”

#Epistemic Activism
A Rejection of the Term “Vernacular”
An analysis of the colonizing word coined for the sake of othering design languages that dare to challenge Eurocentric norms.

#Living Archives
Chasing Images
In search of the Black aesthetic and my own identity via Louise E. Jefferson.
Get involved: support FUTURESS today

#Vulnerable Observers
Living an Immigrant Life
Settling and unsettling experiences of an Argentinian designer living abroad.

#Politics of Display
Reflejos Ajenos
The museum, national identity and the impossibility of classifying the intangible.

#Contra-Colonial Colors
Fighting for existence in the wake of stolen wealth, toxic metals, gilded bureaucrats and golden visas.

#Vulnerable Observers
minimal id entity
Bodies and selves: Reflections on visual coding and identity by Dior Thiam.

#Fashion #SustainableFashion #FashionFutures
Debunking hashtags to imagine generative fashion systems in times of ecological collapse.

Get involved: support FUTURESS today

#Living Archives
Not a Matter of the Past
How lesbian feminist tactics and strategies can help us overcome struggles of today.

#Designing Resistance
Making Room
Transforming homes from sites of carcerality into spaces for abolitionist imagination.

Un-sustaining Sustainability?
Tracing the colonial origins of India’s rising “sustainable” fashion industry

#Vulnerable Observers
Imaginations of Care
Curator Keyna Eleison making a case for expanding knowledges.
Get involved: support FUTURESS today

#Epistemic Activism
Once an Assistant, Always an Assistant
How AI representation is stuck in the gendered past.