
A small Futuress satellite in Winterthur
For a few hours on November 26, 2022, Futuress unfolded in a real space! Yes, a
physical space! Futuress co-director Nina Paim and long-standing Futuress ally
Noemi Parisi hosted a

What can we do better? Share your thoughts!
We reach out to you—our fabulous Futuress community—for your advice and
insights. How can Futuress continue to flourish and become financially
sustainable? Let us know what we can

“Cooking with Stories” at the Arquiteturas Film Festival in Porto, Portugal
“Cooking with Stories”
by Mayar El-Bakry, Maya Ober, and Romi Lee explores the tales, traditions, and
rituals behind anonymously designed cooking tools.

#Incomplete Compendia
A Resource Hub for Decolonizing Typography
Texts, lectures and other materials that help disrupt the Eurocentric status quo in type design education and practice.

A new look and feel: our redesigned website!
Since the beginning of the year, Brazilian designers Tereza Bettinardi and Lucas
D’Ascenção have lent their magic to our social media presence. Their beautiful
templates help us spotlight our

Big Bam Boom—We won a Swiss Design Award in the category of mediation!
The multidisciplinary jury who reviewed our work was impressed by the broad
range of formats and offerings, including workshops, lectures, fellowships, and
of course, our beloved texts. In their words:

A collaboration with the publishing platform Piseagrama!
We are thrilled to announce our new long-term collaboration:
CROSSINGS—TRAVESSIAS [https://futuress.org/tag/travessias-crossings/]. Together
with the Brazilian publishing platform Piseagrama [https://piseagrama.org/], we
will be working

Our team has a new member! Welcome, Franca López Barbera!
Our Futuress team has gone through some c-c-c-c-changes yet again! Sadly, our
beloved powerhouse Cherry-Ann Davis [https://futuress.org/author/cherry/] has
left Futuress to focus on her own research.

Our new public program: Announcing upcoming lectures and panels!
We’re changing the way we structure our learning programs! In addition to the
lecture series accompanying our fellowship program and curated under one topic,
we will now offer various

“The Void” by Maya Ober republished in The Funambulist!
The Void [https://futuress.org/stories/the-void/] by Maya Ober has been
republished by The Funambulist

“South is Up” by Sherine Salla in the Sign Design Society’s Newsletter!
How do maps represent the world? What ontologies lie behind the seemingly
objective design of world maps, and how can the world be imagined otherwise?
These are some of many

Futuress mapped in the ARCH+ magazine!
Issue 246 of ARCH+, Germany’s leading magazine for discourse in the fields of
architecture and urbanism,
[https://archplus.net/de/archiv/ausgabe/246/#article-6747] is dedicated to
contemporary feminist

“The Dark Side of Pictograms” by Mujgan Abdulzade republished in Femiskop!
The 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan were preceded by a series of racist and
sexist outrages. These incidents revealed how profoundly sports are embedded in
oppressive body norms and

Celebrating together: A Futuress end-of-the-year dinner
On December 4, our tight-knit community around Basel gathered to celebrate
together our pan-religious Futuress Hannukkah—Day of Iansã—Xmas—End of the Year
meal. The dinner honored our different

“Does Design Care” by Cherry-Ann Davis and Nina Paim in A Line Which Forms A Volume #5!
A Line Which Forms A Volume #5 explores how the act of leaning on, with, and
into a research topic can be regarded as a form of care for the

We are in Milan! The L.i.P Collective exhibited at HARD COPY SOFT TOUCH.
Our colorful Feminist Findings zine by the L.i.P. Collective has been touring
the globe and speaking new languages! It was recently on display at the “Hard
Copy Soft

Feminist Findings in Korea! A collaboration with Platform P.
Futuress was born from a desire to think and practice design “otherwise.” Our
first workshop, the L.i.P. Collective

Together we are stronger! depatriarchise design and Futuress have merged!
depatriarchise design
and Futuress have been steady collaborators for a long time. Even before the

“The power of Identity”—Mio and Mujgan speaking at the Weltformat Festival, Luzern!
Futuress was invited to speak at the 2021 Weltformat Graphic Design Festival
in Luzern! Under

“Dreams of Contra-Colonial Futures”: Futuress x 2021 AIGA Conference!
In an age of climate catastrophe and social reckoning, dreams and imagination
are more important than ever. This is what inspired Dreams of Contra-Colonial
Futures: a Futuress-curated symposium within the

“Here We Are!” Futuress at the Vitra Design Museum
Futuress was part of the “Here We Are!”
exhibition, which celebrated women designers from the

Creating anti-hegemonic networks: Futuress nominated for the 2021 Swiss Design Awards!
Futuress was nominated for this year’s Swiss Design Awards
, and invited to present our

Critical conversations: A collaboration with A Line Which Forms a Volume!
Futuress had the pleasure to re-publish some of the text from the past issue of
A Line Which Forms a Volume! The publication is a critical reader and symposium

Coding Resistance
An online fellowship and lecture series exposing coded inequalities and reimagining technologies for better, brighter, and more just futures!

Does Design Care? Futuress at the Porto Design Biennale!
Could design be reimagined as a care practice? This question lies at the core of

Collectively addressing contemporary social issues: Troublemakers Class of 2020 in GRAPHIC Magazine #47!
Issue #47 of the South Korean magazine GRAPHIC [https://graphicmag.kr/] brings
together several projects by designers, design researchers, and artists
concerned with contemporary social issues around social, spatial, and

A new lecture series: A collaboration with Centre Culturel Suisse Paris!
“Pandemics do not materialize in isolation,” Edna Bonhomme, a historian of
science, has rightly pointed out. “They are part and parcel of capitalism and
colonization.” A crisis brings to light

Against the Grain
An online fellowship and lecture series critically examining the designed past and democratizing access to design history writing.

We have sprouted a new team: Welcome, Cherry-Ann Davis, Maya Ober, Mio Kojima, and Sacha Fortuné!
At the beginning of 2021, our co-founding editors Eliot Gisel
[http://corinnegisel.com/] and Madeleine Morley
[https://madeleinemorley.cargo.site/] left Futuress to work on new
initiatives—we thank them

Depatriarchise design and Futuress speaking at the Design Academy Eindhoven!
In a public lecture at the Design Academy Eindhoven, Maya Ober and Anja
Neidhardt from depatriarchise design, together with Madeleine Morley and Nina
Paim from Futuress, shared a few insights

#Complaint Collective
Diversity Issues
Teachers and students voice their grievances around discrimination in Swiss design schools.

#Letter from the Editors
Futuress Beginnings
An online magazine on the politics of design, a community space for transnational solidarity.

Troublemakers Class of 2020
A remote fellowship for design research and writing, and a support network for the killjoys, outcasts, misfits, and rebels of design.

The Liberation in Print Collective
An online fellowship digging through digital archives to uncover feminist periodicals from the past.

A Futuress Publication: The Feminist Findings Zine!
Feminist Findings by the Liberation in Print Collective
[https://futuress.org/events/lip-collective/] is a zine filled with stories on
the labor, loves, networks, hierarchies, friendships, fallouts, struggles,
victories, economics,

Feminist Findings at A-Z Berlin: Presenting the L.i.P Collective in our very first show!
Feminist Findings showcases the joint research of the L.i.P. Collective
[https://futuress.org/events/lip-collective/]—the very first Futuress
fellowship, which ran from April–June 2020. Spread over